Types of Aggression:
1) Fear-Motivated: Dog perceives he is in danger or threatened.
2) Redirected: Dog can’t get access to the true target, so takes it out on something else.
3) Dominance: Defending his or her place in the social hierarchy.
4) Territorial: Protective and possessive of what he perceives to be his territory, people, toys, or food. Your dog may also chase other animals (cats, chickens, squirrels) out of predatory instinct or as a mode of entertainment.
We specialize in working with canine aggression.
One of the specialties at Auburn Leach K9 Solutions is the behavior modification of aggressive dogs. Anyone who has been around dogs long enough learns to quickly identify aggressive behavior – growling, bared teeth, ears laid flat, snarling, snapping, and biting. These behaviors are usually not acceptable to humans, but they are part of how dogs communicate, and the wise owner will learn to read the signs.
Canine aggression should not be ignored. It is a complex issue that can have multiple causes and serious consequences. If your dog is displaying aggressive behavior, we recommend you get professional help from someone who understands canine learning theory and behavior.
We work with:
1) Dog to dog aggression.
2) Dog to people aggression.
3) Dog to other animal aggression.
Once we have worked with your dog alone and are confident that the aggressive behavior is no longer a threat, we gradually work mass socialization into the training program. Under a strict, supervised setting, your dog is introduced to other dogs one step at a time.
Causes of Aggression:
1) Injury, illness or pain
2) Fear
3) Frustration due to lack of activity
4) Past abuse
5) Dog is challenged or threatened
6) Possessiveness.
7) Lack of training and established boundaries.
9) Aggression was deliberately trained into the dog by a person
10) Genetic abnormalities or predisposition
11) Dog is not spayed or neutered
Top 20 Aggressive Dogs in the United States:
This list is based on the statistics due to popularity. Any breed can be aggressive. Is your dog or puppy on this list ?
1. Pitbull
2. German Shepherd
3. Rottweiler
4. Alaskan Malamute
5. Husky
6. Doberman Pinscher
7. Chow Chow
8. Wolf Hybrid
9. Boxer
10. Dalmatian
11. Akita Inu
12. Presa Canario
13. Fila Brasileiro
14. Great Dane
15. American Bulldog
16. Saint Bernard
17. Bessini
18. Dogo Argentino
19. Rhodesian Ridgeback
20. Cane Corso
Top 20 Aggressive Small Dog Breeds:
1. Manchester Terrier
2. Lhasa Apso
3. Jack Russell Terrier
4. Cocker Spaniel
5. Bull Terrier
6. Beagle
7. Pekinese
8. Papillon
9. Dachshund
10. Chihuahua
11. Shih Tzu
12. Poodle
13. Shiba Inu
14. Boston Terrier
15. Skye Terrier
16. Maltese
17. Bichon Frise
18. Pomeranian
19. Eskimo Spitz
20. Mini Schnauzer
Understanding Dangerous Dog Behavior – Prevent Bites!
Dog Bite Statistics
1) With over 78.2 million dogs in the United States, accidental dog bites do happen! At least 4.5 to 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year. Only about 20 to 30 of these result in death according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2013).
2) Dog bites occur every 75 seconds in the United States. Each day over 1,000 citizens need emergency medical care to treat these injuries (CDC 2013). About half involved children and the elderly.
3) Ages 5 through 9 are the highest rate of dog bite accidents. More bites occur in rural areas than in urban areas.
4) The average dog bite insurance claim is $29,752.
5) There were 27,752 reconstructive procedures performed to repair injuries from dog bites in the U.S. last year.
Why Do Dogs Bite?
There are many reasons a dog bites or attacks. A dog may bite out of fear. Some owners let their dogs bite as a form of play and it is accepted. Prey drive can also play a part with people in motion or infants. Some dogs are easily agitated due to age, medical conditions, and environment.
Don’t Be A Victim
You and your family should not live in fear. Do not attempt to train a personal protection dog yourself.
K9 Training Facility
1) Convenient to Interstates 81 and 64 in Augusta
2) Indoor & Outdoor Training Facilities
3) Offers Obedience, Therapy and Security & Protection programs
4) Open Year-Round, All Weather
5) Licensed Evaluator of The Foundation for Service Dog Support, Inc